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Most Common Sleeping Positions and What They Entail
When in Turmoil – How to Stop Stress Eating
5 Secrets of Maintaining a Wellness Lifestyle

Sleep is a rather curious and complex process that’s usually taken for granted. In reality, of course, it’s so much more than just closing the eyes, dropping into the state of unconsciousness for 7 to 8 hours and then opening the eyes again. Sleeping is a dynamic process that consists of sleep cycles, and they, in turn, are made of stages. During the night we travel through five stages of sleep; each of them is different and unique in its own way.

You can learn a lot more about it in our science-backed health articles about sleep. In our blog articles you can discover the difference between REM and NREM sleep stages, find out how to resolve sleep problems during pregnancy, learn interesting facts about various sleep disorders and ways to treat them, and so much more. Stay tuned!