such as massage therapy for plantar fasciitis. Overusing the bow string Plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury – it means that if you use something a lot, it tends to…
avoid rudeness or even to help people. Being deceptive requires a lot of energy – brain works hard to exhibit false statement because it tries to suppress the truth. Temporal…
During these turbulent times of the coronavirus outbreak, social distancing is what helps prevent the spread of the virus and keeps us and our loved ones safe. Even though social…
…run on the pavement. Walk briskly or jog slowly along the shore for up to 5 minutes. Then go back halfway running with high knees and halfway running with butt…
Let’s get it straight––age is pretty much just a number. What’s truly important is everything else; how you feel, your family, your friends, and your health and happiness levels. That…
…Day (in Russian and other former USSR states) Although International Women’s Day is celebrated worldwide, in Russian and other former Soviet states, the holiday takes on extra meaning. All women––wife,…
…glycogen down in order to “keep the systems running”. Why doesn’t it break down fat instead? Well, glycogen is important to keep your blood sugar levels up, and, even more…
…one to take note of. Ruth ended his glittering 22-year (yes, 22 years) baseball career with 714 home runs. Showing he knew a little something about going the distance. So…
…from your target weight. Phase 3 50-80g of carbs (nuts, seeds, green veggies, tomatoes, legumes, berries, milk and yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit, starchy vegetables, whole grains). Time frame: Until you…
We are happy to continue our monthly interview sessions, where we introduce you to fitness trainers, certified wellness practitioners, meditation gurus, and other health and wellness professionals, whom we are…