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Escape the Madness and Relax with This Visualization Technique
World Philosophy Day – Exercise Your Intellectual Muscles
The Forgotten Secrets of Lavender for Sleep and Relaxation
Can Meditation Help Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
Prenatal Yoga: Guide to the Do’s and Don’ts of Your Routine
Fighting Anxiety: Strengthen Your Vagus Nerve
How to Create Your Very Own Sacred Space – a Meditation Room
Raja Yoga Meditation Might Be Just What Your Mind Needs
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Time to get your “Om” on! Meditation is a powerful tool that can bring peace to your body and mind, help you manage your emotions, and feel more at ease in your day to day life. But meditation isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution where you learn one trick, and that’s it; it’s a diverse world of practices, techniques, and experiences that you can use to suit your needs. From yoga-based strategies to creating a scared space at home to techniques you can try on the go, Verv has brought together the best learning in our meditation articles to help you find your center.