Cardio Kickboxing: Reasons to Try and Love it

Even your favorite activities can get a little boring after some time. Of course, your fitness routine is not an exception. Most of the exercises are based on repetitive movements and actions – lifting and setting down dumbbells over and over again, running on the same treadmill, doing squats… After you get accustomed to something, it sure can get a little dull. But what is left to do when most of the workouts have already been explored to the point of losing interest?

Well, quitting fitness routine is definitely not the answer we intend to give. In this article, we’re going to look at the fusion of both workout and martial arts – cardio kickboxing exercises.

Obviously, martial arts in their pure form are not going to suit everyone’s goals and needs. However, a mix such as cardio kickboxing has a lot of benefits – you will continue to improve your health and keep your body active, but it will also bring some new flavor to your regular physical activity.

So, is cardio kickboxing a good workout for you? Let’s look at the reasons why the answer is yes!

Your whole body is working

If you’re looking for a complex full-body workout, this is exactly what you need. There are so many different movements that your body will be in action at all times during the training. Different muscles will be put to work, and your heart rate will be elevated.

Cardio kickboxing is working on your core and small-group muscles. It involves a lot of different punching, squatting, kicking, and shifting your balance from one side to the other – so at the end you get a proper full-body workout. Shifting your weight activates your ab muscles, and punching and squatting will make your hips and biceps work. Whether you want to gain muscles, work your core, or lose a few pounds – this training has it all. Expect to be sweating!

Good for your heart

As obvious as it seems, that is the fact: you can use kickboxing for cardio workout! It increases your heart rate, so the blood will easily and quickly flow through your body. A good heart health leads to better blood pressure – for example, you won’t feel breathless and exhausted after climbing a few staircases, – and it also reduces the risk of such dangerous conditions as stroke, or a heart disease.

Although cardio workouts can get pretty harsh, make sure to do it at your own speed. Start slowly, and consult with a doctor before starting a new intense fitness routine.

Down with the stress

Some days are rough days. Sometimes you just want to punch something or someone… Have any idea where you could let that steam off?

You’re right – cardio kickboxing gives you a perfect option of working with your emotions and letting the stress out of your body. As you practice in your punches and movements, your muscles will work better, and you will feel more in control of your own body and everything around you. Physical activity is a great and healthy way to deal with stress, anger, or other destructive feelings or emotions that might be building up inside you. Don’t let it become an inner mountain of bad feels – set your anger free in a healthy way.

Better coordination

Unlike many monotonous workouts, cardio kickboxing is different from common repetitive exercise routines. It is a great way to improve your coordination and reflexes – different parts of your body are involved in many different movements. Diversity of activities you use during the training will make you shift your weight – consequently, you’ll find your center, and every movement will be initiated from there. Although it might be difficult at first, you will soon find a balance.

Better coordination is beneficial for every part of your life – may it be having a good posture, lifting your grocery bags, or picking up a heavy animal.

Socialize and get confident

Both martial arts and fitness help people feel more self-confident. While the first one are known for their philosophy and moral values when it comes to the rules of fair combat, the latter sometimes positively changes the way you feel about your body. Exercises can make you feel stronger and more active; it changes your body shape, so that could also lead to a higher level of self-confidence.

Cardio kickboxing is a mix of two. It could become a very powerful experience. You will explore your own strength – when you find out how hard you can already hit, you’ll wonder how much more advanced and strong you can become in not such a distant future.

Those trainings, if held in groups, are also a great way of finding new acquaintances. Even if your training buddies will not become your best friends, it is still nice to socialize and enjoy a new company. After all, if you ended up in the same training class, there is at least one thing that you have in common – your wish to exercise and learn.

Written by Verv Experts
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