Volha Zaitsava

Volha is a writer and Wellness Editor at Verv. She is a big believer that the only healthy way to approach fitness and nutrition is through self-care and mindfulness. Volha strives to live an eco-friendly lifestyle, be respectful of the Earth and kind to all living creatures. She finds sanctuary in art as an amateur but overenthusiastic painter and guitar player.

All articles by Volha
Protect Your Kidneys from Stones by Eating a Healthy Diet
Bon Voyage! Discover 6 Powerful Health Benefits of Traveling
What’s Next? 12 Effective Ways to Keep the Lost Weight Off
Reasons We Binge Eat and Our Best Options to Beat It
5 Totally Doable Ways to Age Well and Live Longer
Vacation from Vocation—Why Everyone Should Take Time Off From Work
Useful Tips for a Smooth Summer-to-Fall Transition
7 Lower Body Exercises for Firm Buttocks and Trim Thighs
Hot Running Trends to Keep Your Motivation High
6 Best Possible Things You Can Do After a Run