To the Gym, With Love––Couple’s Workout Guide

Like most things in life, it’s better when you do it together... and in this case, we’re talking about your exercise routine. Whether you’re gearing up for next year’s Valentine’s Day workout, one of the world’s many other love holidays or just want some time with your spouse; this is our guide to your couple’s workout (Note: gym not necessary).

Love holidays

While a Valentine’s Day workout could be just the ticket for getting those feel-good chemicals flowing, why wait for February 14th. You can get in a couple’s workout more often, every day is a new reason, but if you’re looking for a particular date, let’s learn about some holidays that make it extra special.

March 8th ––International Women’s Day (in Russian and other former USSR states)

Although International Women’s Day is celebrated worldwide, in Russian and other former Soviet states, the holiday takes on extra meaning. All women––wife, daughter, mother, aunt, colleague, etc.––receive gifts from men as a sign of appreciation. While a gym certificate might not go down well, whisking your loved one away on an active trip might not be a bad plan at all.

September––Ireland’s matchmaking festival

Taking place in September each year, Lisdoonvarna's matchmaking festival is known worldwide as the best place to be for music, love, and craic (local slang for fun). Get on your dancing shoes or go on a nature hike in Ireland’s beautiful landscapes.

February and March 14th––Japan’s Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day appeared in Japan in 1970s, but not as we know it. The traditional February 14th date is a time for women to give their men presents, but come March 14th the tables turn with men returning the favor. Chocolate is the traditional gift, but there’s no reason you can’t combine that with some active pursuits too––yoga, dancing or running make great couple’s activities.

Got a love festival you think is cool and want the world to know about, write us in the comments below.

Benefits of a couple’s workout

There’s a saying, “couples who sweat together, stay together.” And whether this is the emotional ups and downs of life or a tough workout, it rings true. Aside from the obvious health-related benefits, working out together has a number of other plusses too.

1. Boost your level of happiness

When you exercise, your body releases feel-good chemicals, add that to having a good time with your partner, and you’re set to be one happy couple.

2. Exercise more efficiently and reach your goals

Sometimes when we exercise alone, it can get a little, well, lonely; there’s no one to encourage us or support in achieving our goals. But participating in activities together, such as Valentine’s Day exercises, means you’ll be more likely to succeed and make your routine more efficient

3. Develop a strong connection and problem-solving skills

No matter what type of activity you choose, whether it’s parallel treadmills or tennis, you’re doing it together, and that builds a bond. Learning to cooperate on the sports field could boost your chances of relationship synergy so that you’re better able to solve problems together and become stronger as a couple.

Top five couple’s exercise activities

While of course, a couple’s workout is a great activity for February 14th, participating in workout activities together makes every day can have a positive impact on your relationship. These are our top Valentine’s Day (or any other day) exercise choices to do together as a couple, what’s yours?

1. Hiking

Take your relationship outdoors, and shout your love from the mountain tops, hiking is a challenge, but as you help and encourage each other as you climb that mountain (or hill), you’ll feel your relationship grow.

2. Treadmill

Grab a spot on neighboring treadmills. As you do your Valentine’s workout, you can talk, encourage each other and meet your goals together.

3. Dancing classes

Tango, Waltz, or even Breakdance, learning as a couple helps your bond grow as you develop new skills, and have a few laughs at your left feet too.

4. Rock climbing

Best start with the indoor walls to begin with, before progress to the great outdoors. Rock climbing involves teamwork and encouragement, so work together and make it to the top.

5. Tennis doubles

No one said competition was off the cards, a little friendly contest can be healthy for your relationship. You can even get your couple friends involved and play in pairs.

Written by Maria Isabella Neverovich
Maria is an Irish writer, Health Editor at Verv, lover of forests, mountains and all things nature. She enjoys discovering new vegetarian dishes, creating...
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