…the world. Fun fact! Family rituals can be beneficial to your health. It’s true! Engaging and reliving experiences with our nearest and dearest boosts our mood and enhances enjoyment. Santa’s…
…has been proven to alter hormones and disrupt endocrine system. It masquerades as estradiol, a vital hormone, especially for women’s health. And in a long run it may damage your…
…you can’t sprint for more than 30-60 seconds, because your body will run out of oxygen (and you run out of energy), so you’ll need to mix up 30-second sprinting…
…> No music. Turn on music in Spotify, hide the app and open Weight Loss Running. Use the Padlock button on your screen, it won’t affect viewing your running statistics….
When you run outside: go to your device Settings > turn Location services ON and enable it for this app; tap Start on the Home screen of the app >…
create a meal plan that suits your needs. Of course, there are a few golden rules to help you along the way. Golden rules for your New Year diet: Lots…
…bacteria that live there and assist our bodies in absorbing nutrients and fighting our battles against viruses and infections for us. There are over 400 types of probiotics which promote…
Anger is arguably the most complex of human emotions. Even though it looks raw and brutally honest, it usually works as a cover-up mechanism for unrecognized or unwanted states of…
…scheduled for 7 or 8 p.m. Then you can move on to 14:10 and gradually make your way to 16:8. And while there are no rules to what you should…
It’s totally up to you, just choose a comfortable pace for walking or jogging for you and identify your maximum speed. Then stick to it on the treadmill.