Eliminating Cellulite – 5 Tips That Work (and 3 That Don’t)

Cellulite. The stats show that between 80-98% of women have it (yes, even supermodels). No one wants it. And everyone is talking about ways to get rid of it. But, are there any solutions for eliminating cellulite completely?

Let’s start with the basics.

What is cellulite?

More common in women than men (although guys can get it too), cellulite is dimpling in the skin, often compared to the texture of an orange peel or cottage cheese.

It’s not known precisely what causes cellulite, but scientists believe it is related to the structure of the skin, fat cells, and muscle tissue.

Beneath the epidermis – the 2nd layer of skin – there is a layer of fat cells, these are held together by collagen bonds. In women, these bonds are pillar-like, while in men they form a criss-cross shape, and this is the crucial bit.

It is this particular structure that can cause the fat cells to be visible on the skin, and its effect is what’s known as cellulite.

Factors that increase cellulite

Now, you know a little of the science behind the orange peel, here are some factors that can hinder your efforts for cellulite loss:

- Age
- Genetics
- Hormones
- Poor diet
- Smoking
While, unfortunately, there’s not much that can be done for the first three (age, genetics, and hormones), a poor diet and smoking have been proven to only add to the cottage cheese effect, so, now’s a good a time as any to start watching your health.

Here are our top ways to decrease cellulite and keep healthier.

5 tips for reducing cellulite

1. Exercise

When we exercise, we strengthen our muscles and increase their volume while decreasing our level of fat. As the amount of fat reduces, it takes less for the collegian bonds to hold them in place, thus reducing the pressure on the outer skin and minimizing cellulite. As an extra bonus, the added endorphins from working out will also mean you just won’t care as much.

2. Health and diet

You won’t see the results immediately, but keeping a watch on your health by limiting harmful activities, such as drinking or sunbathing, and following a healthy diet that includes a lot of water-rich, plant-heavy can reduce cellulite by keeping your body full of the nutrients it needs and reducing external stress.

3. Keeping hydrated

Dehydration isn’t a good look. When your body doesn’t get the level of fluid it needs to function, it can become dry and shriveled. Maintaining an appropriate level of hydration helps to keep your cells doing what they do best, gives your skin a fresher look and is exactly what can reduce cellulite’s appearance.

4. Massage

A little me time, but not the time to relax. Anti-cellulite massages work by stimulating lymphatic drainage. It’s an intense process, and not a ‘how to reduce cellulite fast’ solution. However, a course of invigorating massages can work (at least in the short-term) by applying pressure on the body’s deeper tissue and fats cells to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

5. Dry brushing

Said to remove old skin cells, improve circulation, and remove lymphatic build up. Dry brushing won’t break cellulite up into minuscule pieces but may reduce its appearance. If nothing else, it’ll leave your skin feeling smoother and fresher.

How (not) to erase cellulite

1. Just losing weight

This decreases muscle mass but does little to affect fat cells. In fact, with reduced muscle tone, cellulite may be more pronounced.

2. Liposuction

While liposuction does reduce the amount of fat, it can also make cellulite more visible as once some of the fat has been removed, it’s difficult to predict in advance how the outer skin will react.

3. Miracle creams that draw out ‘toxins’

This is what your liver and kidneys are for. Unfortunately, there’s no cream invented yet (but we’re holding out hope) that is effective in stopping cellulite. However, some creams can temporarily mask its appearance, so there is somewhat of an upside.

Written by Maria Isabella Neverovich
Maria is an Irish writer, Health Editor at Verv, lover of forests, mountains and all things nature. She enjoys discovering new vegetarian dishes, creating...
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