Audra Bajori

Audra is a writer, an ethical vegan, a compulsive self-experimenter and health-hacker, who plans on living for at least 100 years. She's also a cinephile, a voracious reader, an enthusiast of alternative beauty, and an SBNR explorer of altered states of mind.

All articles by Audra
Counting Sheep Helps Falling Asleep: True or False?
Liquid Diets for Weight Loss: Is It an Option for You?
Patience in Strong Relationships Is Just as Critical as Love
These Hip Mobility Exercises Are a Must for Sedentary People
Plant-Based Meals Under 500 Calories For A Healthy Dinner
8 Types of Anger: What They Mean and What to Do about Them
How to Stay Cool and Sound Asleep During Summer Nights
Feeling Sad on Your Birthday? Here’s What You Can Do
Most Common Yoga Injuries You Want to Have Nothing to Do with
The Awesome Calamansi Juice: What It Is and Why You Need It