10 Simple Tips for Losing Weight Without Hitting the Gym

Whether you’re a fitness newbie looking to shape up before hitting the hall, a busy bunny who can only fit in a 45-minute workout not counting drive-time, or on a strict budget and can’t justify that costly gym subscription; you’re in luck. Here are our ten simple tips on how to lose weight at home.

10 easy ways to lose weight at home––top tips

Before you shell out for that expensive gym subscription, here are ten ways to lose weight at home, that you won’t regret trying. P.S. Starving isn’t one of them, so prepare yourself for health and happiness.


1. Cut down on junk food snacking

You are what you eat, and that’s why our first top tip is related to your diet. While you don’t have to starve, in fact, that is absolutely NOT recommended, you will need to keep an eye on your snacking habits.

Avoid those late-night junk food binges by ensuring you keep your house stocked with a healthy supply of good snack foods––think nuts, seeds, dried fruits––that will curb those crunchy cravings and help you cut calories.

2. Hydrate

To keep your body in optimal functionality, you need to ensure it is well hydrated––and no those 6 cups of coffee don’t count. Coffee is a diuretic meaning it will make you go to the toilet more often, dehydrating your system.

Instead chose water. Try drinking a glass before a meal; this will help you feel fuller and less likely to overindulge.

3. More fruits, veggies, and proteins

Filled with the vitamins and minerals your system needs to function, it is vital that you make sure your body has a full supply. Ensure variety by eating a range of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and other nutrients.

Not only will your body be nourished, but as it will not be lacking in any area, so your body is less likely to try and hold on to fat, and you will lose weight.


4. Walk it out

Getting out and about is healthy for both your mind and body. While this isn’t a strictly ‘at home’ activity, it doesn’t require any expensive gym sign-up fee.

So, put on your walking shoes and hit the streets, or better yet, find a beautiful nature walk near your home that can help you de-stress and kick those pounds with some feel-good exercise. Need some more encouragement? See our article on the benefits of brisk walking.

5. Dance workouts

One of the first steps on how to start losing weight at home is to be active. But that doesn’t have to mean spending hours toiling away at the gym. Why not try some at home dance workouts.

Just turn up the music and find yourself a rhythm; you’ll be burning calories in no time at all.

6. Yoga

Need a little calm in your life, but still want to put in a good workout. Yoga is one heck of an exercise for building strength, flexibility, and muscles, and it is one of the best ways to support you to lose weight at home.

There are lots of types of yoga you try from Hatha to Vinyasa to Bikram, and more (learn more on fat-burning yoga here). Each class varies in the number of calories they burn, but no matter which you try, your fitness level will improve.


7. Do it regularly

The key to helping you lose weight at home is consistency. After all, just one salad isn’t going to help you drop the pounds; you need a lifestyle change. So, to make sure you stay on track, set aside time each day––we know it’s difficult–– and focus on your exercise routine.

This can be 15 minutes in the morning, 15 minutes at lunch and another 15 in the in the evening, or a solid 45-minute workout, the important thing is to commit to it and you’ll see the results. 

8. Build it into your day

Following on; combining activity into your daily schedule is the best way to ensure it sticks. Restricting your diet too tightly or engaging in an unsustainable exercise routine are not the ways to go about it.

Instead, choose healthy food and activities you enjoy, that way you’ll be more likely to stick to them and see results in your weight and fitness levels.

9. Meditation

If you’re overly stressed, this can have a major impact on your weight, as the stress hormones may cause you to overeat and you’ll be more prone to keeping on the weight. The good news is there is something you can do about it.

Practicing mindfulness meditation is one way to focus on the here and now and not let those stresses get in the way of your life. Need some tips on getting started? You can try downloading our app for a guide to the best meditation practices out there.

10. Find a little happiness

That phrase “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels,” well, it’s not exactly true. Happiness won’t be found in starving yourself, nor in undertaking a punishing exercise routine with twig legs in mind.

Happiness comes from inside you and being content with yourself, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t an external factor. By eating more healthily exercising regularly, and focusing on your body and mind, you’ll not only hit your target weight, but you’ll find happiness in your progress too.

Written by Maria Isabella Neverovich
Maria is an Irish writer, Health Editor at Verv, lover of forests, mountains and all things nature. She enjoys discovering new vegetarian dishes, creating...
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